i love this movies
they are great and i love them its rellay interesting *jerry you are grounded for killing your mither*
i love this movies
they are great and i love them its rellay interesting *jerry you are grounded for killing your mither*
its great
im looking forward for the the sequel good luck you started great and i think that you will become verry famouse if you put a lot of effort in this good luck!
i liked it preaty much
it was the best song video about zombies i liked it it was really cool you should make antother video.
whaaaaaaaaat is this place lol
this guy doesnt mess around! oh no youll never supress my technique i catch on fire! lololollol i love animations specially this one.
i am cool hahaha
just love the way you do vids yomy hero some day im gona make videos just like youu are
you now
its a good video it entered inti my mind and made me sadder because im inlove with this girl but i now she feels nothing for me so im just sad please tell me what to do
ps:id like to draw like that
the best work youv done
the bestawsome video you have ever made congratulations
its prety cool
good work one of the best work youv done egoraptor PRETY COOL congratulations with gears of awsome jajaja "WHERES MY WIFE"jaja.good work man.
sorry but that was mediocre compared to all the other awsome recopilations.I think it would be better if you do another one i now its not easy but you did the other awsome series so i now you can do it beter by the way im a great fan of yours.
A fan!Hurrah! U most likely were redirected from my youtube
dont like it
Age 29, Male
Joined on 9/3/08